Rosie Barber helps parents help babies to sleep


We can never thank Rosie enough! For the past year I have been breastfeeding my baby to sleep and letting her use me as a human dummy for pretty much the whole night. We co-slept as we didn’t know where to start and how to break the association with feeding her to sleep.

Our nights were consumed of sitting quietly on the sofa not talking to each other whilst the baby slept on me until we went up to bed. Something had to change. 

We had tried a routine back when she was 6m and it was awful. She screamed for hours on end. It wasn’t right. 

Rosie listened to how we worked as a family and understood our concerns of not letting her cry for long periods of time. My boyfriend was super skeptical to start with and thought it was going to be horrific, so did i. But after the call with Rosie and her running through the bespoke program she created for us, We felt so determined and ready. 

We were shocked at how quickly she adapted and how calm we felt just after night 1! The fact that I could liaise with Rosie throughout the first week gave us the added support and comfort when we had questions along the way.

We went from not having a life to now having our daughter in a bedtime routine. Mummy gets ‘me time’ during nap times and more importantly we’ve got our relationship back. And because of how well she is doing. Mummy is having her first night out and leaving daddy with the baby in over a year! This is something my boyfriend has dreamed of - being able to put his daughter to bed! Thank you Rosie. You really are a lifesaver!

/  HOLLY. C  /


When I first contacted Rosie I had a 2 year old who had never slept through the night her whole life. I also had a 7 month baby who was showing signs of heading the same way. I was emotionally drained and felt helpless.
Rosie’s advice was immediately a revelation to us! I had heard such fantastic things about Rosie that I knew I just had to try it. It has literally changed our lives! Both children are now fed, bathed and in bed by 7pm every night. I get quite emotional when I talk about this because the continuous sleep deprivation over the past 2-3 years had left me feeling confused and like I was a bad mother.
The moment Rosie walked through our front door our children were immediately drawn to her friendly and engaging nature. She has a fantastically charming way with children. Rosie explained the new routine to my 2 year old in a way that made is sound super exciting and she couldn’t wait to go to bed! 
We honestly haven’t looked back! Also her behaviour was also quite bad at the time which has now drastically improved.
Thank you so much Rosie you have changed our lives!

/  MEGAN. t  /



I can't thank Rosie enough. Its hard to think back to where we were a few weeks ago...rocking our daughter to sleep for ages or feeding her to sleep, making several attempts to put her down in her cot. Eventually she would sleep but would wake in the middle of the night and be awake for hours on end even in our bed and waking early. However now, our 15 month old daughter can self-soothe to sleep at night and is able to sleep through. I was also struggling to drop the last breast feed I was doing but now my daughter happily drinks cows milk from a cup before her bath. Ever since I spoke to Rosie on the phone I felt motiavated and empowered to make changes, which has definitly helped our family. We all get a better night sleep and aren't zombies in the day now (my husband and I both work full time) and have more fun as a family as a result. I have also got my body back and a little more freedom as Daddy and others can but my daughter to bed now and not always me. Rosie always responded to emails in a timely manner and even the little tips have made a huge impact. Rosie always explained everything well and it all made sense when I reflected on the information provided. I will always be grateful for her support. Thank you so much.

/ MANDY. B /



Rosie's continued advice and support has been invaluable. We’ve been able to contact her at various periods of doubt and she has been reassuring and knowledgeable regarding our children's sleeping habits. She has not only provided effective techniques on how to get our children to sleep, but she has explained reasoning behind the advice which has built our confidence as parents and empowered us! Rosie is professional, supportive and brilliant at what she does - we highly recommended her!

/  Nicole. B  /



Thank you Rosie, I don't know what we would have done without you. As first time parents, we weren't sure what to do, but knew that the whole family getting a good night’s sleep was crucial to our survival! Rosie always made us feel listened too, we felt she took all of our concerns and values on board when helping us and was a delight to have in our home. Rosie's advice included the whole family and was always reassuring and sensitively delivered. We followed her advice for our family to the letter, and at 12 weeks old we had a baby that slept through the night  (with a dreamfeed). I cannot express enough what a positive contribution her help made to our early days as a family.

/  colin.p /



When I contacted Rosie I’d had almost four years of broken sleep. My nearly 4 and 2 year olds had never both slept through at the same time, so we’d not had a single whole night of sleep since they were born. I was now getting insomnia between her wakings as she woke then fell asleep, then woke, then I’d creep back to my room and could hear her snore, then within 10 minutes she’d wake again. I had now taken to bringing her into bed at the first waking but even that wasn’t working now as she’d sit up and want to go downstairs or ask for milk or just grope my face and boobs continuously.

I put off contacting a sleep consultant for ages because I assumed it would involve cry it out, which I didn’t want to do (tried it once before in desperation and it was traumatic but it didn’t even work for us!)

It was such a relief to speak to Rosie on the phone. She was friendly, warm, positive and very reassuring. She also filled me with hope that good sleep was possible and not just a dream, and a determination that I could do it. Weirdly I was almost excited to start sleep training! The technique was gentle and I know Poppy felt comforted that I stayed with her and didn’t leave the room. She barely cried at all. It wasn’t stressful and I actually felt really calm. I felt confident because I had a plan and knew what to do, and knew roughly how long it might take, and what Poppy might do and how to respond to her. Rosie was there to check things out with the next day. The fourth night we saw a real improvement, as Poppy called out twice but self-soothed within 4 minutes both times without me even leaving my bed.

I’m so grateful to Rosie for her help and support and I would definitely recommend using her to anybody. Thanks Rosie!

/  Anna. P  /