Rosie Barber helps parents help babies to sleep

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Create a bedtime ritual using Bedtime Routine Cards, either create your own or download our set of 18 cards, 16 with pictures and 2 blank to add your own creativity.

Muslin Cloths

Comforter - helps babies to self-settle and is a cue to sleep. Muslins are the safest and best option because they are breathable, replaceable, transportable and suitable for all weathers. Initially just place it next to your baby with your smell on it and babies will be comforted by that and turn their head towards it.

Baby Sleep Bags

You would be surprised how cold children get at night and how much of a contributing factor it is to not sleeping through. If your baby wakes each night between 3am - 5am, they are probably cold because this is the coldest part of the night.

If you think they might be cold in the night, put your palm inside their vest and feel the temperature on their chest or back.