Rosie Barber helps parents help babies to sleep


HelIo, is it sleep you’re looking for? Do you have a baby or child that is struggling to fall asleep, gives you a battle at bedtime or nap times, wakes multiple times in the night or wakes crushingly early in the morning? Are you feeling exhausted, hopeless or frustrated and wondering how you ended up where you are, spending your days desperately trying to get someone else to sleep so you can rest or get things done, your evenings spending hours to get them to sleep again and repeatedly getting out of bed or sharing it with a beautiful, wiggly, pointy starfish and your partner sleeping on the floor? Do you find yourself thinking, why won’t they sleep? Does it have to be like this? Is there another way? Well I have amazing news for you…THERE IS!!!

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  • to understand your baby or child’s sleep and avoid sleep problems

  • set your little one up for sleep success

  • to confidently use gentle and effective sleep strategies, tool and techniques to help your little one to happily self-settle and sleep through the night

  • to achieve your family’s ideal sleep scenario

  • to fully enjoy life with sleep again

WHat If You could feel

  • calm and confident that your child consistently gets the sleep they need to connect, learn and grow and explore

  • relieved to get your evenings, bed or partner back!

  • relaxed as you can rely on their routine for time for your self-care or at least a shower…

  • rested, focused and energised from having more sleep

  • like the positive, patient, peaceful parent you want to be


If you add up all the time you spend putting your baby to sleep now, how much time do you spend on that? 3 hours a day or maybe even more? But how much extra time would you have if they happily self-settled in minutes?

Gaining 3 hours a day is almost a whole extra day a week!

Imagine what could you do with that time back?




  • Custom online sleep plan tailored to your little one.

    Pressure-free Sleep Plan that you can use at your own pace and at a time that suits your family


  • 20 minute initial phone call to discuss your little ones sleeping issues

  • Custom sleep plan

  • One hour phone / zoom consultation to run through your sleep plan and answer any questions

  • 30 minute follow-up call

    Contact me to arrange your 20 minute initial consultation



  • 20 minute initial phone call to discuss your little ones sleeping issues

  • Custom sleep plan

  • One hour phone / zoom consultation to run through your sleep plan and answer any questions

  • First bedtime call

  • Unlimited email / voxer /whatsapp support for 1 week

  • 30 minute follow-up call to future proof your sleep

  • Additional ongoing support via access to the Sleep Through Library

    Contact me to arrange your 20 minute initial consultation



For clients needing further advice and trouble-shooting who have used any of the above packages, I am happy to offer additional email support or phone calls. Or if you need new strategies if other issues arise (for example; new siblings, transitioning to a bed, moving house, etc)


  • You select the sleep package with the right level of support for you

  • Then book in a day and time for your consultation (I recommend the day or night before you want to start the sleep plan)

  • You will be directed to the sleep questionnaire for you to complete prior to our meeting. This is to build up a picture of your current sleep situation and to create a sleep plan that reflects the needs of your child and family

  • You will receive an email with your child’s sleep plan (pdf format) and the zoom meeting details prior to your consultation

  • We will have a 1 hour consultation to go through everything in your plan and for you to ask any questions you may have

  • I will send you a link for one-to-one unlimited support on voxer / whatsapp or email for 1 week

  • After 1 week I will invite you to your 30 minute phone consultation to evaluate your sleep success and future-proof your sleep



Up to 3 hours home visit > 1 weeks email support > 30 minute follow-up phone consultation

  • A sleep questionnaire will be sent to you prior to our appointment. This is to build up a picture of your current sleep situation

  • Up to 3 hour home visit to answer any questions and develop a sleep strategy that works for your family

  • Guide you through putting your sleep plan into practice

  • A sleep plan and guidance tailored to your family will be emailed to you in pdf format, following the home consultation

  • 1 week email support to offer guidance and troubleshoot any challenges

  • Up to 30 minute phone consultation to evaluate your sleep success and future-proof your strategy moving forward

Package includes a bespoke sleep plan for your child and additional guides for your sleep strategy



Up to 1 hour phone consultation > home visit 5pm - 7am > 1 weeks email support > 30 minute follow-up phone consultation

  • A sleep questionnaire will be sent to you prior to our appointment. This is to build up a picture of your current sleep situation

  • Up to 1 hour phone consultation to discuss concerns and develop a sleep strategy that works for your family

  • A sleep plan and guidance tailored to your family will be emailed to you in pdf format, prior to the home consultation

  • Home visit to support you putting the sleep plan into practise at bedtime, through the night and at wake up time.

  • 1 week email support to offer guidance and troubleshoot any challenges

  • Up to 30 minute phone consultation to evaluate your sleep success and future-proof your strategy moving forward

  • Additional hours £25

  • Discount of £40 for additional nights booked

Package includes a bespoke sleep plan for your child and additional guides for your sleep strategy



Up to 1 hour phone consultation > home visit 5pm - 5pm > 1 weeks email support > 30 minute follow-up phone consultation

  • A sleep questionnaire will be sent to you prior to our appointment. This is to build up a picture of your current sleep situation

  • Up to 1 hour phone consultation to discuss concerns and develop a sleep strategy that works for your family

  • A sleep plan and guidance tailored to your family will be emailed to you in pdf format, prior to the home consultation

  • Home visit to support you putting the sleep plan into practise at bedtime, through the night, at wake up time and putting down for day time sleeps and naps

  • 1 week email support to offer guidance and troubleshoot any challenges

  • Up to 30 minute phone consultation to evaluate your sleep success and future-proof your strategy moving forward

  • Additional hours £70

Package includes a bespoke sleep plan for your child and additional guides for your sleep strategy


GROUP PACKAGES £24 per Family

Ideal for groups of parents-to-be, mum friends and NCT groups who are looking for sleep advice and strategies. The expert advice will support you to get off to the most positive start for sleep success or discuss common sleep problems and how to solve them.

  •  2 hour sessions can take place at your home, work or a venue can be provided

  • Introduction into how sleep works

  • Strategies to develop good sleep habits

  • Common sleep problems explained

  • How to resolve common sleep problems

  • Routine and feeding advice

  • Q & A session

  • Minimum 4 families

Package includes hand-outs of relevant sleep strategies and trouble-shooting guides to take away with you



I am currently only offering remote packages

I am happy to offer additional support subject to request and availability