Sleep Through the Night

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Why wont my baby sleep ?

Don't worry you are not alone! If you find yourself desperately wondering in the small hours "how do I get my baby to sleep?!?" And the thought of your baby ever sleeping through the whole night seems like a distant dream? Things can and will change if you want it and it probably won't be as hard or take as long as you are imagining.

But why won't my baby sleep?

Babies have one way of communicating when they are young - crying. They cry when they are cold, bored, surprised, bored, wet, dirty and hungry. So when we are told to 'feed on demand' we feed our baby every time it cries... which is fine! But what can happen is that when babies cry because they are tired; they get fed and fall asleep. Then when they start to sleep in cycles they look for whatever they had when they fell asleep EVERY time they wake... which means they don't learn to self-soothe! And that is the start of night wakings. 

If you want to solve your current sleep problems and get your family sleeping through the night then check out 
You'll wonder why you waited so long!!!